Friday, July 3, 2015

An unfortunate dream

I opened my eyes a vivid description of her
I said to myself, I missed her

I pull myself back to sleep to get to her
closed my eyes shut

Get me back there, please 
I plead

After endless minutes trying..
Its no use, I sigh and stared at the dark ceiling

Im awake now.
How the hell did i dream of her
whats happening to me?

Instantly checking Facebook
Its her birthday tomorrow, how is she?

Seems her facebook is already inactive
Did she block me?

Its too late
Maybe I deserve it

I am not understanding enough
I am selfish

let me be alone I say
I get what I wished for.

Its not what I needed though
I am Sorry. End.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Making New Friends when your a grown up.

I watch this video from buzzfeed today.
From a social experiment that they had done. 
They have conclude that our ego have gotten the way for us adults to make new friends.
In a way i agree to that statement.
I should admit that I need to get out more and meet new people instead of shying away from them.
Does this spark a change in myself?
I hope so.
I want to though.


When a girl gets hurt by a guy.

Anger flaming in her eyes as a guy breaks a girl's heart.
like a sharp knife through a heart or a bullet stuck to an ankle.
its so much pain that makes her forget about her work, her happiness and her freedom.
how love blinded her from all those things.

he began saying that its not her fault and its only him.
that is exactly what happen and girl won't accept it.
she is so used to him that separation makes her scared.
scared and lonely , shes feeling so much regret.

regret in opening up.
regret in trusting too much.
is it worth it?
is it all just a waste of time?

she cry as she tries to make sense of it all.
trying to stay compose.
venting out to the microphone.
all the sad songs she could think of.

when all lays down.
and the clock struck one.
no one or thing can distract her from the reality.
that he is gone.
and she is all alone.

Pain demands to be felt.
how selfish is pain.
but pain is a teacher.
Please don't repeat this and learn he says.


from a friend to a friend